Friday, January 16, 2009

Basement Progress . . . .

A work in progress . . . always a project to do, finish or to start at our house! And now that we are free of the house guests we have been busy working on basements projects.

Our latest project has been to work on the basement cabinets, stripping the old paint, sanding, filling holes, repainting and installing the cabinets in our basement family room.

The cabinets are from a salvage house project from Micah's dad's friend in California. So when the cabinets arrived I was not too sure what to expect. So when they showed up the color of periwinkle and blue I about fell over. . . . Needless to say Micah reassured me that with a little TLC and a lot of paint stripper they would be new again.

So here we are now, all the old paint has been removed, we have replaced the paint and added some color to the room. Micah is working on adding the finishing touched to the cabinet doors - Now all I need to decide is if the inside of the doors will be red or cream!?!?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Micah and Tanya,
All it takes is time and in your own time! Yes it takes a lot of work and time, but in the long run your basement will look wonderful and beautiful and you both will be very pleased:)