Some interesting facts about Albert:
- Birth Date: April 25th 1995
- Age: 15 years old
- 10th Grader
- Hometown: Layton, Utah
- Favorite Sport: Likes watching Football, Soccer and Baseball and enjoys playing Frisbee.
- Favorite Color: Red and Black
- Favorite Movie: Military documentaries, Action and Sci-Fi
- Favorite Book: Military, Sci-fi and Mystery book
- Hobbies:Reading, Playing Video Games and Fixing Things
- Favorite Food: Pizza, Mexican, Pasta and American
- Favorite Holiday:4th of July and Christmas
- Least Favorite food: Vegetables
- Favorite Season: Summer, no school and going to the pool!!
- Favorite Subject in School: Auto Shop and Computer Tech
- Favorite TV Channel: Military and Discovery channel; likes Future Weapons, Myth Busters and Great Tank Battles