Sunday, May 24, 2009


I would LOVE to post pictures of the camping trip during the rain, however, it was raining so much that I was stuck in my tent alone (Micah, Jared, Braxton and Kylie were M.I.A) that I was not about to tempt to run to the truck to document this experience!

I was sitting in my tent, snuggled into the covers, listening to the rain pour down, reading a good book when ALL OF A SUDDEN I noticed that the tent was slowly creating small puddles from the drops of rain that had somehow entered my tent!

That was it - - - -> I ran to the outhouse because my bladder was about to BUST. I had no communication with Melissa to even know if the missing husbands or the kids had returned! I then ran for cover in the only place that would be WARM. I sat in Micah's truck running the heater when Melissa came to join me.

Braxton had been returned to the safety of his tent, however, Micah, Jared and Kylie were still missing! Melissa and I were done - it was time to call it quits and head for home!

Just as we were about to go in search the three dripping wet campers showed up. Due to Micah's assurance that there was to be no rain his one and only sweatshirt was SOAK and WET and he had no pants to wear!

By popular demand it was decided that we were going home! Down came the tent, away went the food and the truck was PACKED!

Just as we were about to call it quits the rain stopped and the Van Fleet family came to spend Sunday afternoon with us! We had planned that since the neighbors would not be able to join our camping trip that we would spend Sunday afternoon together at our camping spot and have a dutch oven dinner.


Anonymous said...

No photos or coments about the dutch oven dinner????ken

Micah and Tanya said...

We made buzzard?!!?